F1 Uniform posted a status

F1 Uniform posted a status


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F1 Uniform posted a status


Action Needed: You Reached Your Task Limit

You're at 100% of your monthly task limit. To keep your Zaps running, please upgrade to a higher plan.

Questions? Reply to this email to get in touch with our support team.

Hey Fadzil,

We noticed that you reached the 100 Tasks limit on your Zapier plan.

To make sure we don't miss any of your Tasks, we're holding them.

Nothing to worry about, though: you won't lose your data from these held Tasks if you play them within

the next 30 days .

To get the awesome work you automated back, you just need to:

Upgrade your Zapier plan.


You've reached your 100 Tasks limit on your Zapier plan.

Replay these Tasks.


You can choose to play them individually or in bulk.

Check out our blog post for more information


If you have any questions about getting started with Zapier, don't hesitate to reply to this email.

We're happy to help.

Hey, we're hiring! https://zapier.com/goto/?payload=.eJwljUEOgzAMBL9SuVfS3HPvO5AJFrjEThSbSxF_b6Red0azF6zoCOkCJ2kFnWZFIUjwxTYLKm4kpB4LC_vcCfNOK9wTCJkNOMy3IJf0yIXzARMU1mOsu3uzFOPoMPVXrhKXUre4U2kBT68yzsJyGusohb8WPnWxgLqGjJ2oW3zWRsq6Gdw_56E-bA:1g1yIL:GlM2MK2VUG3mRdhIkDZcCXjT2bg

© 2018 Zapier, Inc. All rights reserved.

548 Market St #62411, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401 #

You received this email because you signed up for Zapier https://zapier.com/goto/?payload=.eJwNjDEOhDAMBL9y2hqRPv29I1oF67CwQ0Rcgfj7pZ0ZzYONQeQHId6NIaXRBRk3e3E2_sSlRTJ1jXIJ6y4b3gUuY0w5y69TLX-qaT2wwLQdk-4RfeSU5kflWuvpeP-SSybh:1g1yIL:424O4ZmseKeDAp_NFn6VWiupRdA, an app that helps you connect services and automate tasks.

makes you happier :)



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